So some friends and I recently traveled down to Champagne last weekend to see the Illinois vs ASU game (good friend of mine went to ASU, BIG Italian Beef fan as well), and low and behold they were serving Italian beef at the game!!!! But what I did find at this Italian Beef stand, a line of ASU fans (I’m sure from Chicago) lined up to get some Italian Beef.

I did see a couple little guys enjoying their beef’s so I had to take some pics of one of them. I uploaded it on our YouTube Channel.
So who does have the right recipe and who does have the best beef?? that is why www.ItalianBeef.com exists is so that we can find out and get everyone’s opinion, feedback, and comments on any place, person or joint that serves Italian Beef. As such, we do not claim to have the final answer as to Who created the Italian beef? Instead, we will tip our hats to all the contenders for the title. For without them, the Italian beef sandwich would not be where it is today: in our stomachs, and in our hearts.