I picked up a pound of our favorite Italian beef from Portillo’s, a very popular place that is always consistent, and always good. When you buy it by the pound, they always separate the beef from the juice. When you get it home, instructions are to slowly simmer the juices and then add the meat, never heating it on high heat, so that’s what I did to get all the flavors into the beef, but then because I was going to put this on top of a pizza, I drained all the juice from it, otherwise your pizza would be a soggy mess. My sauce was made by simply opening up a can of good crushed tomatoes, and right into the can I put 1 clove of crushed garlic, about 1 teaspoon of salt, some pepper, a light sprinkling of oregano, and a drizzle of olive oil. Stir it all up, take a spoon, and spread it all over your dough
Of course I had to add “sweet and hot” to my pizza, along with some shredded mozzarella. The verdict on the dough: I thought the texture and the chewiness was great, it cooked up golden and crunchy, but I feel it lacked flavor, almost like it needed a little more yeasty taste to it. But thats just my opinion! I always order mine with “sweet and hot”( peppers that is). Sweet being, green bell peppers that have been sauteed, and the hot, which is usually a homemade giardiniera.
Cook about 20-30 min depending on how you like your crust. Proud Italian Cook Italian Beef Recipe
Buy Italian Beef, Giardiniera or Italian Sausage Click Here. Have a recipe you would like to share? Go to our recipe submission form.