The men behind ItalianBeef.com are neither owners nor employees of any stand, joint, cart, diner, bar, grill, or restaurant that serves Italian beef (or any other food, for that matter).We are simply individuals who appreciate and seek perfection in this delectably perfect sandwich, and we will strive to discover, evaluate, and report on every beef emporium upon which we come across in the Chicagoland area, if not the world.
While each of us here at ItalianBeef.com has his own preferred beef distributor, his own preferred way to order a sandwich, and his own set of criteria as to what makes an Italian beef sandwich worth its weight, we are also interested in what you have to say.This site is not for us to preach to you, but for the world to discuss and share its opinions regarding where the best Italian beefs can be found, how much you can expect to pay for one, and whether or not they are worth driving sixty or seventy miles to get.
So please, don’t just stop by our site become a part of it. Submit a restaurant review, a photo, or a recipe. Become part of the community that ItalianBeef.com is so proud to sponsor, a community that has existed in Chicago for 60-80 years. (Depends on who you ask.) But whether you are one of our regular Beefaholics, or just looking for a quick fix in your new neighborhood, well be here.
And remember, dipped, hot, mozz.
– The Guys at ItalianBeef.com